July 24, 2016

Scott County Historical and Genealogy Society Meeting

The Scott County Historical & Genealogy Society met Tuesday, July 19, 2016 in the Riverside Regional Library meeting room. The meeting was called to order and new officers for the 2016-2018 years were installed. The program was "School Days School Days Good 'Ole Golden Rules Days" with attendees giving a 3-5 minute presentations of their school days. They shared memories of their days attending one-room & two-room school houses, their classmates and teachers. It was a very fun and relaxing evening. Thank you to everyone who shared their memories.

Bev Riley installing officers for 2016-2018
Margie Jackson, Vice-President
Dr. Frank Nickell, Secretary
Susan Bailey, President
Margaret Heuring, Treasurer
President Susan Bailey telling about her school days in St. Louis, MO
Front-Mary Ann Phillips, Mary McArthur, Margie Jackson
Back-Lois Spalding, Betty Milam, Mary Beth Todt, Kathyrn Todt
Standing-Bev Riley, Glenda Milam

Lois Spalding telling about her school days in New Hamburg, MO.

Mary Ann Phillips, Mary McArthur
Middle-Lois Spalding, Betty Milam, Mary Beth Todt, Kathryn Todt
Corona Essner, Dorothy Dirnberger

Betty Milam, Mary Ann Phillips, Glenda Milam and Margaret Heuring  told of their school days.
Dr. Frank Nickell and Kathryn Todt had autograph books from their school days.(Any one remember those.)
Dr. Nickell read some very interesting and funny sayings that were written in them.
The evening was enjoyed by everyone.

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