This is a list of books that our organization has available.
Commerce, Missouri 200 years of History
by Edison Shrum - $35.00
Scott County, Missouri Tax Book Records for 1890
by Norman Faye McConnell - $15.00
1960 Benton Centennial Souvenir Book - $ 8.00
The '20 Oranite - $ 8.00
Benton's Schools, by Deborah Gunter - $35.00
Neighbor Day 1925-1944 by Deborah Gunter - $35.00
Benton Centennial Book - $10.00
Assessment Roll for Scott County, MO 1863 - $10.00
Family Histories:
Daniel D. Adams, by Deborah Gunter-$30.00
Essner Family History, by Deborah Gunter-$30.00
History & Families, Scott County, Missouri-Published in 2003-$45.00
History & Families, Scott County, Missouri-Published in 2003-$45.00
(A small shipping & handling charge is added based on size, weight, and number of books purchased. In most instances the shipping charge will be $5.95. Cost of book(s) plus shipping & handling must be prepaid before we can send to you)